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Illuminous : An Agua Mod



Illuminous iPhone Theme UPDATED

Guys, this is only an Agua mod that I made for myself and I am releasing this just for those who liked it in the Screenshot thread. Anyways, all credits go to Louie Mantia for the amazing Agua icons and all you fantastic artists who have created 500+ icons for this set.

This package now contains 216 icons, thanks to the requests by people over at the MacThemes2 forum. It also comes with 7 colored badges.


P.S. - Instructions for those who are new to this stuff.

Make a new folder in /var/mobile/Library/SummerBoard/Themes. Copy the Icons folder to there, and along with that, a wallpaper and dock of your choice named Wallpaper.png and Dock.png respectively.

To use the badge, rename whichever colored badge you want to use to SBBadgeBG.png and SSH it to /System/Library/CoreServices/

** The wallpaper used in the preview is from the MacGuru theme with the brightness slightly increased. It hasn't been included but you can download it from [link]

*** The dock in the preview wasn't made by me either and hasn't been included. However, you can find it here: [link]
© 2008 - 2024 kediashubham
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JadeAquarians's avatar
great theme! love your work! can't wait to see some more